Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cafepress Sucks

These are hard times. A lot of people are losing their jobs. You look around you and start thinking of ways to make some extra cash.

You’ve heard of Cafepress, the oldest POD (Print on Demand) business, which allows you to make your own designs and add them to their products (t-shirts, mugs, etc). You’re thinking, why not?

Here is a reason:

Cafepress sucks.

In the year or so that I’ve been with them, they got rid of a bonus they used to give shopkeepers who sold more than a certain amount, and they’ve just announced that designers will no longer be able to set the price of their own products sold in CP's marketplace because Cafepress knows better than them how much their talent and work is worth, and it’s not worth much: 10 percent.

The number might not seem that small until you consider that CP’s markup of the products can be as high as 100%, and that affiliates get 15% for sending customers to Cafepress. So for sending customers to a website, you get 15%. For creating designs and adding them to the products, you don’t even deserve that, according to CafeCrap.

This is not the first time Cafepress has acted out of greed, and I guarantee you, it won’t be the last. I’m in the process of taking all my products out of CafeCrap and selling them in Zazzle, a company that seems to respect its partners.

Do yourself a favor and don’t ever work with Cafepress.

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